10 Dec 2017

Johns Peak

Blanket Bush in flower Bedfordia arborescens

Musky Caps Stegostyla moschata

Day-flying Carpet Moths were plentiful Chrysolarentia spp.

Female Mountain Grasshopper Monistria concinna

Mountain Hickory pods Acacia obliquinerva

Snowy Daisy Bush Olearia lirata seed heads

A Bluebell with seven petals Wahlenbergia spp

Shrubby Platysace Platysace lanceolata

Wax Flower fruit Philotheca myoporoides

Bunches of flowers...Diggers Speedwell Derwntia perfoliata and Stellaria Stellaria pungens

Cute unknown Beetle

Johns Peak

4 Nov 2017


Mountain Pink-bells Tetratheca bauerifolia

Eyebright Euphrasia collina

Shaggy Pea Oxylobium ellipticum

Alpine Phebalium Phebalium squamulosum

Diggers Speedwell Derwentia perfoliata

Hairy Speedwell Veronica calycina

Elderberry Panax Polyscias sambucifolia

Round-leaf Heath Epacris robusta

Large Bird Orchid Simpliglottis valida from above


27 Oct 2017

Nursery Swamp

Common Beard Heath Leucopogon virgatus

Waxlip Orchid Glossodia major

Shaggy Peas beginning to flower Oxylobium ellipticum

Twin-flower Beard Heath Leucopogon fletcheri

Native Violet Viola betonicifolia

Young Candlebark with immature foliage Eucalyptus rubida

Mature Candlebark

Woolly Grevillea Grevillea lanigera

Field Daisy Brachyscome decipiens

Nursery Swamp fen

Surrounding ridges

Giant boulders with Lomatia Lomatia myricoides in the foreground

Triangle cave

7 Oct 2017

Greens and the Playground

Early Nancy Wurmbea dioica

Close up of the female flowers

Billy Button Craspedia sp.

Cymbonotus sp.

Hazel Pomaderris Pomaderris aspera in bud

A native Purple Violet Viola betonicifolia

A tiny Bush Pea Bossiaea buxifolia

Silver Wattle flowers coming to thier end Acacia dealbata

3 Oct 2017

Corang Circuit Day 2

Canowie Brook

Crimson Tiger Moth Spilosoma curvata

Corang River

Mountain Dragon Rankinia diemensis

Some gorgeous unnamed river

Blue Mountains Tree Frog Litoria citropa underwater

Water Skink  Eulamprus sp. and Pouched Coral Ferns Gliechenia dicarpa

Possibly a Southern Leaf Green Tree Frog Litoria nudidigitus, very tiny only 2-3cm