23 Jan 2015

Daisy Hill

Some little wildflowers from the dry eucalypt forest at Daisy Hill Conservation Park. Spade Flower Hybanthus stellarioides.  Appears at first as if it has just one petal and maybe the others have fallen off.

Pastel Flower Pseuderanthemum variabile. 

Star Goodenia Goodenia rotundifolia

5 Jan 2015

Mt Tennent

Fringed Lily or Common Fringe-lily Thysanotus tuberosus.

Bidgee-Widgee Acaena Novae-Zelandiae. Tiny groundcover.

Shiny Daisy-bush Olearia tenufolia.  Loads of these in flower on Mt Tennent. Shrub to 2m with sticky leaves much like Sticky Everlastings.